Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Strangers (2008)

1.5 out of 5

This movie looks good after seeing all the trailers and posters but really just sucks. I will admit I liked the first thirty minuites alot, but the last hour of a movie can ruin the whole film if its terrible, predictable and pretty much filled with the stereotypical dumb victims.

Hugo (2011)

4.5 out of 5

A beautiful, emotional, and very creative film from Martin Scorsese that not only entertains children but is aimed at all audiences that would probably enjoy it more than a child. On of the best films this year.

Scarface (1983)

5 out of 5

This is one of the best action films I have ever seen. Al Pacino is fantastic as he plays one of the most entertaining characters in movie history. This will definitely be found on my top 100 list I am planning on releasing by January.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

4 out of 5

One of those films that after watching several times over the past seven years still makes you laugh histarically. Everything about Napoleon (Jon Heder) is funny and I find this to be one of the most quotable movies. It truly is a love it or hate it type of movie though because of the ridiculous humor. It all depends on what the audience finds humorous to them. In this case, Jared Hess impressed me.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Social Network (2010)

5 out of 5

I love this film. One of my favorites of 2010. The script, acting, and music are my three favorite parts of the movie. I liked it even more the second time.

Office Space (1999)

3.5 out of 5

A fun comedy that has somewhat of a dull script but has some hilarious characters.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Up In the Air (2009)

5 out of 5

Just watched it again for the second time and in my preference it is the best film  of 2009. It is very fun but also emotional. The acting is great and Jason Reitman (Juno) gives us his best yet.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Tower Heist (2011)

2.5 out of 5

A good laugh every once and a while and a fun plot. But I often realized when there was a lack of humor for a lengthy span of time throughout the film. I was also disappointed at the fact that several key scenes seemed to be cut from the movie and you found yourself wondering what happened between scenes.

Scary Movie (2000)

3.5 out of 5

Sometimes the dumbest slapstick humor makes a creative and hilarious movie. Finds every possible way to make fun of Scream and I found it hilarious.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reservior Dogs (1992)

4 out of 5

A very violent and interesting view of a bank heist. A hit from Quentin Tarantino.

Dog Day Afternoon (1975)

5 out of 5

A brilliant performance by Pacino and the rest of the cast. A very touching film and a true story.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon (2011)

1 out of 5

Absolute utter trash. Its terrible acting, plot, and script made it hilarious though.

Red (2010)

1.5 out of 5

Some absolutely horrible screenwriting, and the lead actress (Marie-Louise Parker) doesn't help the movie much either. The plot is a complete mess but a young boy may find it fun.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Scream (1996)

4 out of 5
One of the most intricately made and surprisingly fun slashers I have seen. But there are several errors throughout the film.

Sleepaway Camp (1983)

0.5 out of 5

A Slasher flick failure. The disturbing ending gets this garbage 0.5 out of 5.

Friends With Benefits

2.5 out of 5

A Romantic Comedy lacking three things: An interesting romance, comedy, and an unpredictable plot.


5 out of 5

Such a fun well thought up action film packed with a great cast. I was so into the film from start to credits.

Paranormal Activity 3

3.5 out of 5

This movie surprised me so much when I went to the theater with some friends when I didn't have a choice for what we  saw. I have to say, it was so much better than I ever would of thought. There are plenty of new ideas incorporated in the new film. It is much more creative than the first two and is definitely not as slow.

Drive (2011)

5 out of 5

Easily the best movie released so far this year that I have seen.


4 out of 5

A very well made suspense thriller with an added romantic theme, if only it wasn't so predictable!

28 Days Later-4.5 out of 5

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Human Centipede II (2011)

0.5 out of 5

A disgusting film that has discovered it's own genre of movies. There is nothing positive in this film other than the fact that the director made it black and white. All in all it should not be viewed.