Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cabin in the Woods (2012)

3 out of 5

Wow, This was a word i repeatedly said over and over again, while walking out of the theater. A rollercoaster of intense, satire like horror, with an twist that brings along surprising talent from the upcoming director, Drew Goddard and very skilled and hilarious writer, Joss Whedon.
The movie is about five college aged friends who make their way to an isolated cabin hidden by a large forrest. Except one thing is strangely different about this cabin. It's a rigged horror show! These five very different kids must find a way to survive mass amounts of peril that lie ahead of them.
I liked this film the more I pondered on its ingenius. Yea its not great, but its fun and creative. Do not go into this movie looking for any old horror film. It is actually making fun of the "scary movie" genre. And it had me interested throughout the whole thing. Its hard to say any more without unleashing spoilers so just watch it if you are up for a gory adventure.
The Hunger Games (2012)

3.5 out of 5

A predictable plot is extremely hard to work with as a film maker and I believe that Gary Ross did a great job turning this dramatic action story into a cinematic adventure.
The Hunger Games is about a young woman and young man entering a televised fight to the death with 22 others picked randomly. Except of course, the main character (Katniss Everdeen) who volunteers herself in place of her sister.
I enjoyed the action of this film and the setting of the futuristic settings portrayed. I did struggle with the somewhat bland dialogue and how the non action sequences were not executed in a way that interested me as a viewer.

21 Jump Street

4.5 out of 5

The theater was crowded and I was left with one choice, the front row, on the second weekend Jump Street was out. And even with the huge screen in my face, the sore neck, and lack of space, I had one of the best theater experiences I have ever had. This movie is seriously funny.
21 Jump Street takes place in present time. Two young inexperienced policemen are called on a 'lesser' mission due to their lack of obedience to their duties. Their mission: to locate a new and dangerous drug that is growing in popularity throughout the high school community.
This "laugh out loud" comedy is full of hilarious twists and pleasures as it constantly has you bursting at the seems with laughter. Unfortunately the script is filled with over a hundred f bombs and scattered with crude slurs that make the movie somewhat inappropriate.