Friday, October 19, 2012

Quick Ratings for the "lesser" of 2012

Paranormal Activity 4........2.5
Project X..........................3
Woman in Black...............2
Dredd 3D.........................2.5

Sinister (2012)

3.5 ***1/2
Sinister is a barely lit and truly freaky horror film that I cant call a "flick". If I did so I would be putting it in the stereotypical group with bad performances and sex. I liked Sinister. It did impress me and I believe it did its job well with some good effort. Although it was predictable, it still frightened me often. Their were some unexplained aspects to it, but who cares...we are dealing with ghosts here. I liked the ending and I would suggest this movie to any horror fan. 

Seven Psychopaths (2012)

5*****True brilliance, excellence, and amazing film writing. Seven Psychopaths is in a genre along with In Bruges and Snatch. It is filled with educated randomness that puts the viewer in a stage of total enjoyment. Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken are fantastic especially. I loved so much about this film. It is such a rare type of movie that I appreciate so much.This overly violent British Humor film shot its way to my top hundred list immediately at credits.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


It was approximately 3:15 a.m  when I first stepped foot outside the theater in Wilmington Delaware on July 20th.I had just witnessed the midnight showing of one of the best action films ever made. My heart was racing, I was wide awake, I needed someone to talk to about this amazing new movie. I spent several minutes on my phone group texting different friends. One text for those who had seen it and another for those who had just been blown away like me. The dark knight rises is a fantastic finale to the batman trilogy. I was shocked to see some of the negative reviews and what some critics had to say. I'm guessing these critics just weren't up to true entertainment. Yes, it does not deliver the realistic elements that a Scorsese film will have but the Nolan brothers bring something to the table that very few film makers can. There is a certain thrill I get from almost every Nolan movie. It is an emotional excitement that is also filled with suspense backed up by a great score of music. And this film being the end of the trilogy, makes it all the more great.