Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Artist (2011)

5 out of 5

There is no doubt in my mind that this is a brilliant and ingenious film with a boatload of masterful film making strategies. The Artist is a story about a big time actor named George Valentin in the silent film industry in the 1930's who sees his career diminish before his eyes when movies with sound are discovered. He cannot live with the undeniable truth that he is not who the world wants anymore. Instead everyone wants to see Peppy Miller, a young attractive dancer who lights up the big screen with her moves and expressions. And Peppy's first film ever was a silent one with Valentin. Throughout the film the two actors have mixed feelings for each other and this leads to a classic ending.
The big twist to all this is the fact that the film is silent itself. I loved the style of the film, and truthfully I have never seen a silent film before this one and even though I thought that I would be bored with the lack of dialogue and "sound", I was kept intrigued because of how well the story was built. The music in this movie is nothing less than fantastic. The Artist was slow at some parts but it was totally understandable due to the handicaps in the rules of making a silent film. It was just such a fun way to change up the style of film and go old school. It was daring and successful.

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