Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Prometheus (2012)

4.0 Rating
Prometheus is a visual rollerCoaster like experience loaded with fantastic special effects putting the viewer in their own world of sci fi action. Ridley Scott (gladiator, black hawk down, alien) effectively accomplished a very impressing film to tell the story that proceeds that of "alien". The film takes place in 2093 on a highly advanced space craft with a crew of 17 scientists unprepared for what is about to come about. Two of them have discovered several signs of life called "engineers" who may be inhabited on a planet far off in space. The two in love, discoverers believe that these "engineers" were earths creators. And now finally a billionaire tycoon, Peter Waylend has embursed a very expensive 2 year exploration out in space to this unknown planet to answer all the questions that these signs have brought up. With the help of a robotic invention designed as a human (Fassbender) the group sets foot on the forbidden grounds of the planet and thus begins a long strand of unfortunate events and discoveries. 
I like Prometheus for three main reasons. The visual effects were amazing, the story kept me interested, and the acting performances were impressive from every part of the cast. Unfortunately the storyline did not present the riveting film I was hoping for, due to some unanswered questions I was hoping to be revealed. One issue I had with the film was the unfortunate sac religious beliefs that often showed up in the script most likely due to views held by the writers. There was an underlying theme of the movie that took place. This theme is best summed up in a short phrase "u can choose to believe in whatever u want and that will make it true". Mentioning of God is often brought up in the same sentence as "failed you" or "isn't real after all". I understand that sci fi films are sci fi films and these statements shouldn't bother me, but it is the nervous feeling I get that the film makers may have used their opportunity to share their false views with their audience that bothers me.
All in all this film was truly a success and I really liked it. The actions great and there are so many great different turns that the film takes.

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