Sunday, January 29, 2012

Das Boot (1981)

5 out of 5

A thrilling, suspenseful, and claustrophobic film about the adventure of a Nazi submarine and its crew. The boat goes through an incredible journey filled with intense battles. Throughout the whole film you really start to connect with the crew and you start to cheer for them even though they are Nazi. You start to realize that not all Nazi soldiers agreed with Hitler and his views. One scene of the movie several crew members are talking after a very rough battle with an Allie destroyer and one sailor says "Screw Hitler...Screw this war", another sailor responds" It's not about the war or Hitler anymore, it's about each other." The film mainly revolves around the Captain played by Jurgen Prochnow who does an absolutely fantastic job. You really start to connect with him the most and I often tried to put myself in his position and imagine what I would do in several scenes of the movie. You as the viewer start to realize that he as a captain of a submarine with over 150 men on it, he has responsibility for all of their safety. I also loved how the whole movie I felt like I myself was trying to live in a submarine. I loved this movie, and the more I think about it, I love it more.

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