Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Ides of March (2011)

4.5 out of 5

Excellently depicts the disgusting truths about politics.It is so sick to see  what sometimes goes on with out us voters knowing, and this movie portrays very well, a plot filled with greed, lies, lust, and extortion all caused because of the sinful desires of man and the race to become President. It really is a sad thing, and fortunately director George Clooney did not make the movie look like it supported all of these problems in any way. The sickest part of the film is the fact that, even after all the lies and extortion the bad guy can still come out on top. One scene of the film is a conversation between the campaign manager for the other candidate and Stephen Myers (Gosling) who is second in command for Mike Morris (Clooney) and his campaign. In this scene Tom Duffy (Paul Giamatti) is telling Stephen Myers the reasons why the democrats have such a hard time winning. He tells Stephen that the Republicans are crueler, tougher, meaner, and dirtier than the democrats. I found things like this very interesting throughout the film because the leader of our country should be a man of integrity and truth and the whole game plan for running for president seemed filled with everything but integrity. Throughout the film Governor Morris often talks in his soeeches about the importance of integrity and how he was fed up with all of the lies. The plot is filled with twists and interesting side plots that have you on the edge of your seat. Gosling gives an amazing performance once again. Unfortunately there were some problems with the screenplay such as over done cursing from almost every character, and some of the campaign speeches came across a little flawed and not very creative. All in all this film was fantastic and it had me very engrossed.

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