Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moneyball (2011)

5 out of 5

Moneyball is one the best films to come out this year with no doubt about it. It gives us a view of the game that we never imagine as fans or even players.  My favorite thing about the film was the underlying theme about what life is truly about. Billy Beane had a love for the game and an even bigger love for family. The relationship between him and his daughter was not only sweet but it showed us as viewers that the love of family is and should be more important to us than the love of money. Beane (Brad Pitt) could have been paid 12.5 million dollars to be the GM for the Boston Redsox, but he turned this down because of his love for his daughter and his team.
Another very interesting fact that the movie puts forth is the fact that the Red Sox copied Billy Beans style of trading and building a baseball team and two years later, they won the world series.
This film is not only sweet and funny, but it is very interesting and educating in a well made style.

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