Friday, October 19, 2012

Quick Ratings for the "lesser" of 2012

Paranormal Activity 4........2.5
Project X..........................3
Woman in Black...............2
Dredd 3D.........................2.5

Sinister (2012)

3.5 ***1/2
Sinister is a barely lit and truly freaky horror film that I cant call a "flick". If I did so I would be putting it in the stereotypical group with bad performances and sex. I liked Sinister. It did impress me and I believe it did its job well with some good effort. Although it was predictable, it still frightened me often. Their were some unexplained aspects to it, but who cares...we are dealing with ghosts here. I liked the ending and I would suggest this movie to any horror fan. 

Seven Psychopaths (2012)

5*****True brilliance, excellence, and amazing film writing. Seven Psychopaths is in a genre along with In Bruges and Snatch. It is filled with educated randomness that puts the viewer in a stage of total enjoyment. Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken are fantastic especially. I loved so much about this film. It is such a rare type of movie that I appreciate so much.This overly violent British Humor film shot its way to my top hundred list immediately at credits.

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)


It was approximately 3:15 a.m  when I first stepped foot outside the theater in Wilmington Delaware on July 20th.I had just witnessed the midnight showing of one of the best action films ever made. My heart was racing, I was wide awake, I needed someone to talk to about this amazing new movie. I spent several minutes on my phone group texting different friends. One text for those who had seen it and another for those who had just been blown away like me. The dark knight rises is a fantastic finale to the batman trilogy. I was shocked to see some of the negative reviews and what some critics had to say. I'm guessing these critics just weren't up to true entertainment. Yes, it does not deliver the realistic elements that a Scorsese film will have but the Nolan brothers bring something to the table that very few film makers can. There is a certain thrill I get from almost every Nolan movie. It is an emotional excitement that is also filled with suspense backed up by a great score of music. And this film being the end of the trilogy, makes it all the more great.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Most Anticipated Films of 2012 from this point on.
Dark Knight Rises   July 20
The Hobbit december 14
Django Unchained December 25
The Great Gatsby December 25
Skyfall November 9
Gangster Squad September 7
Only God Forgives
Les Miserables December 14 
Seven Psychopaths November 1 
Wettest County August 29
Total Recall  august 3
Argo October 12
This is Forty December 21
The place beyond the pines    November 7
The campaign August 10
The Bourne legacy  August 10

Prometheus (2012)

4.0 Rating
Prometheus is a visual rollerCoaster like experience loaded with fantastic special effects putting the viewer in their own world of sci fi action. Ridley Scott (gladiator, black hawk down, alien) effectively accomplished a very impressing film to tell the story that proceeds that of "alien". The film takes place in 2093 on a highly advanced space craft with a crew of 17 scientists unprepared for what is about to come about. Two of them have discovered several signs of life called "engineers" who may be inhabited on a planet far off in space. The two in love, discoverers believe that these "engineers" were earths creators. And now finally a billionaire tycoon, Peter Waylend has embursed a very expensive 2 year exploration out in space to this unknown planet to answer all the questions that these signs have brought up. With the help of a robotic invention designed as a human (Fassbender) the group sets foot on the forbidden grounds of the planet and thus begins a long strand of unfortunate events and discoveries. 
I like Prometheus for three main reasons. The visual effects were amazing, the story kept me interested, and the acting performances were impressive from every part of the cast. Unfortunately the storyline did not present the riveting film I was hoping for, due to some unanswered questions I was hoping to be revealed. One issue I had with the film was the unfortunate sac religious beliefs that often showed up in the script most likely due to views held by the writers. There was an underlying theme of the movie that took place. This theme is best summed up in a short phrase "u can choose to believe in whatever u want and that will make it true". Mentioning of God is often brought up in the same sentence as "failed you" or "isn't real after all". I understand that sci fi films are sci fi films and these statements shouldn't bother me, but it is the nervous feeling I get that the film makers may have used their opportunity to share their false views with their audience that bothers me.
All in all this film was truly a success and I really liked it. The actions great and there are so many great different turns that the film takes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Cabin in the Woods (2012)

3 out of 5

Wow, This was a word i repeatedly said over and over again, while walking out of the theater. A rollercoaster of intense, satire like horror, with an twist that brings along surprising talent from the upcoming director, Drew Goddard and very skilled and hilarious writer, Joss Whedon.
The movie is about five college aged friends who make their way to an isolated cabin hidden by a large forrest. Except one thing is strangely different about this cabin. It's a rigged horror show! These five very different kids must find a way to survive mass amounts of peril that lie ahead of them.
I liked this film the more I pondered on its ingenius. Yea its not great, but its fun and creative. Do not go into this movie looking for any old horror film. It is actually making fun of the "scary movie" genre. And it had me interested throughout the whole thing. Its hard to say any more without unleashing spoilers so just watch it if you are up for a gory adventure.
The Hunger Games (2012)

3.5 out of 5

A predictable plot is extremely hard to work with as a film maker and I believe that Gary Ross did a great job turning this dramatic action story into a cinematic adventure.
The Hunger Games is about a young woman and young man entering a televised fight to the death with 22 others picked randomly. Except of course, the main character (Katniss Everdeen) who volunteers herself in place of her sister.
I enjoyed the action of this film and the setting of the futuristic settings portrayed. I did struggle with the somewhat bland dialogue and how the non action sequences were not executed in a way that interested me as a viewer.

21 Jump Street

4.5 out of 5

The theater was crowded and I was left with one choice, the front row, on the second weekend Jump Street was out. And even with the huge screen in my face, the sore neck, and lack of space, I had one of the best theater experiences I have ever had. This movie is seriously funny.
21 Jump Street takes place in present time. Two young inexperienced policemen are called on a 'lesser' mission due to their lack of obedience to their duties. Their mission: to locate a new and dangerous drug that is growing in popularity throughout the high school community.
This "laugh out loud" comedy is full of hilarious twists and pleasures as it constantly has you bursting at the seems with laughter. Unfortunately the script is filled with over a hundred f bombs and scattered with crude slurs that make the movie somewhat inappropriate.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Attack the Block (2011)

4.5 out of 5

Attack the Block was the funnest movie experience I have had in so long. It was full of action, humor, and was somehow able to perfectly draw the line between the two. One of the reasons why I enjoyed the film so much was because I am a teenager myself and it is so cool to see young kids run around and be heroes of the inner city in this fun action flick. The fact that the film was from the UK also made it fun because the humor seemed so much different than american humor.
The movie is about a group of teenagers who have formed a gang and are faced with an alien invasion in their section of the inner city. They are then forced to use the help of friends and victims of their crime to fight off the mysterious beasts from space.
This was such a success and so much fun with a very creative plot.

The Artist (2011)

5 out of 5

There is no doubt in my mind that this is a brilliant and ingenious film with a boatload of masterful film making strategies. The Artist is a story about a big time actor named George Valentin in the silent film industry in the 1930's who sees his career diminish before his eyes when movies with sound are discovered. He cannot live with the undeniable truth that he is not who the world wants anymore. Instead everyone wants to see Peppy Miller, a young attractive dancer who lights up the big screen with her moves and expressions. And Peppy's first film ever was a silent one with Valentin. Throughout the film the two actors have mixed feelings for each other and this leads to a classic ending.
The big twist to all this is the fact that the film is silent itself. I loved the style of the film, and truthfully I have never seen a silent film before this one and even though I thought that I would be bored with the lack of dialogue and "sound", I was kept intrigued because of how well the story was built. The music in this movie is nothing less than fantastic. The Artist was slow at some parts but it was totally understandable due to the handicaps in the rules of making a silent film. It was just such a fun way to change up the style of film and go old school. It was daring and successful.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

My Top Ten Films of All Time

1. The Godfather Parts I and II (1972) (1974)

2. The Shawshank Redemption (1994)

3. Casablanca (1942)

4. Saving Private Ryan (1994)

5. Schindler's List (1993)

6. Raging Bull (1980)

7. Gone with the Wind (1939)

8. Psycho (1960)

9. On the Waterfront (1954)

10. City of God (Cidade de Deus) (2002)

Drive (2011) Re-Review

5 out of 5

This is not only the best film of the year, but Ryan Gosling's best, and one of the best films in a while. The style is so artistic, the music is awesome, and pace of the film is perfect. Drive is about a driver who is hired for an escape from robberies. He is known for his skill and the fact that there is nothing he can't do in a car. He is very quiet throughout the film but in tense scenes he breaks out of his quietness in anger because of his love for a woman and her son who live in his apartment building. He watches over them until her husband is released from prison. From then on the film becomes a series of violence and revenge. It is so well done and my favorite  movie since Inception. It really did impress me and kept me so captivated. One of my favorite things about Ryan Gosling's character was the fact that he respected Irene (Carrie Mulligan) and her husband enough to not cause her to cheat on her husband. He just wanted to help a woman in need is the way I saw it. You must see this film if you have not yet.

Das Boot (1981)

5 out of 5

A thrilling, suspenseful, and claustrophobic film about the adventure of a Nazi submarine and its crew. The boat goes through an incredible journey filled with intense battles. Throughout the whole film you really start to connect with the crew and you start to cheer for them even though they are Nazi. You start to realize that not all Nazi soldiers agreed with Hitler and his views. One scene of the movie several crew members are talking after a very rough battle with an Allie destroyer and one sailor says "Screw Hitler...Screw this war", another sailor responds" It's not about the war or Hitler anymore, it's about each other." The film mainly revolves around the Captain played by Jurgen Prochnow who does an absolutely fantastic job. You really start to connect with him the most and I often tried to put myself in his position and imagine what I would do in several scenes of the movie. You as the viewer start to realize that he as a captain of a submarine with over 150 men on it, he has responsibility for all of their safety. I also loved how the whole movie I felt like I myself was trying to live in a submarine. I loved this movie, and the more I think about it, I love it more.

Gone Baby Gone (2007)

5 out of 5

One of my favorite suspense thrillers, it keeps you so intrigued and on the edge of your seat the whole film. Another success from Ben Affleck. Casey Affleck truly impressed me with his performance also. The movie is great and the story is so intense and thrilling.

Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

3.5 out of 5

Yes, it has its "unfortunate" moments that I wish that director, Nora Ephron did not decide to keep. But, the movie is fun, creative and almost a classic in the romantic comedy genre. I thought that Tom Hanks did a fairly good job and the movie really did keep me interested.

The Tree of Life (2011)

4.5 out of 5

The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s and a very beautiful and creative way to depict the creation of our world. I am still trying to figure out every sub plot and every message that was presented to me through the film. The Tree of Life is many things, The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of childhood to his disillusioned adult years as he tries to reconcile a complicated relationship with his father (Brad Pitt). Jack (as an adult) finds himself a lost soul in the modern world, seeking answers to the origins and meaning of life while questioning the existence of faith. The story during the 1950's is about a strict father trying to find the right ways to treat his three boys. Brad Pitt does an incredible job at a very hard role. The film shows the mental struggle the three sons go through because of their violent and strict father. Mr O'Brien tries to force love out of his family even though he scares them, and they celebrate when he goes away. You also see the struggles of the mother when she tries to be loving towards them, but is punished by her husband for doing so. You then see the effects of an unloving father when the boys start trying different things that they know are wrong. It seems like they do these things because they don't want to obey anything their father tells them. This film has a very cool style to it and I loved the creativity. For a large portion of the movie, we see many beautiful shots of our universe and a few different views on the creation  to show Jack's confusion of what to believe. Some would say it is boring but I would say that it was excellent and creative. Before you sit down and watch it, make sure you are ready for a very philosophical and deep film.

The Ides of March (2011)

4.5 out of 5

Excellently depicts the disgusting truths about politics.It is so sick to see  what sometimes goes on with out us voters knowing, and this movie portrays very well, a plot filled with greed, lies, lust, and extortion all caused because of the sinful desires of man and the race to become President. It really is a sad thing, and fortunately director George Clooney did not make the movie look like it supported all of these problems in any way. The sickest part of the film is the fact that, even after all the lies and extortion the bad guy can still come out on top. One scene of the film is a conversation between the campaign manager for the other candidate and Stephen Myers (Gosling) who is second in command for Mike Morris (Clooney) and his campaign. In this scene Tom Duffy (Paul Giamatti) is telling Stephen Myers the reasons why the democrats have such a hard time winning. He tells Stephen that the Republicans are crueler, tougher, meaner, and dirtier than the democrats. I found things like this very interesting throughout the film because the leader of our country should be a man of integrity and truth and the whole game plan for running for president seemed filled with everything but integrity. Throughout the film Governor Morris often talks in his soeeches about the importance of integrity and how he was fed up with all of the lies. The plot is filled with twists and interesting side plots that have you on the edge of your seat. Gosling gives an amazing performance once again. Unfortunately there were some problems with the screenplay such as over done cursing from almost every character, and some of the campaign speeches came across a little flawed and not very creative. All in all this film was fantastic and it had me very engrossed.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Midnight in Paris (2011)

4 out of 5

This beautiful Woody Allen film portrays and fun romance with an interesting idea. There were so many beautiful shots and views of paris, and the dialogue was fantastic. The ending of the film is someone interesting but also somewhat drawn out. One of the best this year.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961)

5 out of 5

Wow, I cannot believe that I had not seen this film until now. The romantic story is a classic one, and Audrey Hepburn is fantastic. The ending is not only emotional and romantic but perfect movie making. Throughout the film you become so close to Holly (Hepburn) and Paul (Peppard). Women audiences try to relate themselves to having Holly's emotions and feelings and the men relate to Paul's. This film really drawls the viewer in. It is a Classic.

30 Minuets or Less (2011)

3 out of 5

Yes, this movie was at times corny, and yes at parts the humor was dry, but there parts of this film that had me laughing hysterically. This film takes an interesting idea and has you laughing in all of the stupidness.

Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol (2011)

4 out of 5

Ghost Protocol not only impressed me with its stylized violence and action, but the level of acting in all of the intensity and the creative balance of humor did as well. The plot may have been plain and simple, but it was reinforced by several high paced scenes that were great on the big screen. Well done.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Seventh Seal (1957)

1 out of 5

This was one of the more disappointing movie experiences I have ever had. I thought this was going to be excellent, but I found myself not being able to take it seriously. I would not suggest this film.

The Descendants (2011)

 4.5 out of 5
The Descendants was a great film starring George Clooney that had a huge focus on family. The film is about a father who has no control over his kids. His wife has just had a terrible jet skiing accident that puts her in a-coma that will lead to her death. This causes Matt (Clooney) to make a resolution to be a better father. He soon is told by his angry daughter that his wife was in love with another man and had been involved in an affair. This leads to several interesting parts in the plot. The over all theme of the film is not only Matt King working to bring his family together but he has to make a decision that would have consequences no matter which way he went. He was a descendant of the owners of thousands of acres of virgin hawaiian land and it was intrusted to him and his extended family. His family must decide whether to try and keep the rare land or sell it for almost a half million. He has the ultimate decision over all though. I loved the ending to this film. The last 30 minutes were almost perfect. I will not spoil anything but it shows the connection of family and the decision he makes.

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)

4 out of 5

There is no doubt that is is a fantastic and thrilling film backed up by all-star performances by both Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara. David Fincher does a good job at making the film dark and engrossing but he fails to do something that has been really bothering me. As a big fan of the original swedish version of the film I didnt think the remake compared in several areas. It also failed to explain its plot almost as if Fincher expected the viewers of his film to have seen the swedish original. I viewed the film with several friends, many of which had not seen the original or read the book and were very confused throughout the movie. I gave this movie a 4 because of how well it was acted and I did love the intensity and the darkness Fincher fused into the film.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Moneyball (2011)

5 out of 5

Moneyball is one the best films to come out this year with no doubt about it. It gives us a view of the game that we never imagine as fans or even players.  My favorite thing about the film was the underlying theme about what life is truly about. Billy Beane had a love for the game and an even bigger love for family. The relationship between him and his daughter was not only sweet but it showed us as viewers that the love of family is and should be more important to us than the love of money. Beane (Brad Pitt) could have been paid 12.5 million dollars to be the GM for the Boston Redsox, but he turned this down because of his love for his daughter and his team.
Another very interesting fact that the movie puts forth is the fact that the Red Sox copied Billy Beans style of trading and building a baseball team and two years later, they won the world series.
This film is not only sweet and funny, but it is very interesting and educating in a well made style.